CSC C78F Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Instructor: André Kündgen
Tutor:Nick Cheng


Lecture 30: Monday 7-10PM,Room R3232
Tutorial 3001: Wednesday 1-2PM,Room R3205A
Tutorial 3002: Wednesday 11AM-12PM, Room S208
Tutorial 3003: TBATBA
Office hours: Monday 5-7PM,Room S627

Here are the average scores on assignments and midterm:
a1 mt a2 a3 a4 a5
average 46.2 50.3 41.8 17.6 65.0 41.8
out of 60.0 100.0 60.0 30.0 90.0 70.0
average% 77.0 50.3 69.6 58.7 72.3 59.7

Remarks on the Final exam:

Course information.
Homework assignments.
Grade distribution for the midterm exam.
Additional lecture notes from a previous semester provided by James Stewart. Especially the applets on Binary Search Trees and Red Black Trees are instructive.