Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

CSC C78 Fall 1999 course information

Instructor: André Kündgen
Office (Scarborough): S 627 / tel. 287-7256
Office (St. George): FI 412 / tel. 348-9710 ext. 4012

Office Hours: Mondays 5-7PM at my Scarborough office, or by appointment.
The easiest way to arrange an appointment, or to get a hold of me in general, is by e-mail.

Tutor: Nick Cheng

Lectures: Monday 7-10 (R3232)
Tutorials: Wednesday 1-2 (R3205A), 11-12 (S208)


T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson and R.L. Rivest, Introduction to algorithms, MIT Press and McGraw-Hill 1990. Additional lecture notes will be distributed.


A certain amount of both mathematical and computational maturity are necessary for this course. On the mathematics side, CSC B38 or a similar discrete mathematics course that stresses the ability to understand and write proofs is required. Familiarity with the O notation, the analysis of algorithms and the solving of recurrences is also expected. On the computational side CSC B70 and therefore experience with implementing standard data structures is required.

Marking Policies

The numerical scores of all exams and assignments will be used in computing a final score that will determine your final letter grade:

Homework 40%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 40%
There will be 5 homework assignments, which you need to submit on the announced due dates. Doing the assigned work regularly, seriously, and carefully is vital to your success in this course. Although your homework is heavily weighted, you must score at least a grade of 35% or better on the final exam to pass this course.

Important Dates

Monday September 13: First day of classes
Wednesday October 6: Assignment 1 due
Monday October 11: Thanksgiving (no class)
Monday October 25: Midterm examination
Wednesday October 27: Assignment 2 due
Wednesday November 10: Assignment 3 due
Wednesday November 24: Assignment 4 due
Monday December 6: Assignment 5 due, last day of classes

Homework policies

No late homeworks will be accepted, except for documented medical reasons and other emergencies.

Questions concerning the grading of assignments and the midterm exam must be submitted in writing to the instructor or a course tutor within one week of when it was first returned to the class. The question should be written on a separate piece of paper stapled to the front of the assignment or midterm exam.

Policy concerning collaboration on assignments

Students often learn a lot from working with one another and you are encouraged to meet with other students from class for this purpose. For example, you might work through exercises in the text together or discuss any material you found confusing in lecture or in the textbook.

It is also legitimate to discuss assignment problems with other students in the class or consult other texts. Assignments must be written up completely by yourself using only the text and your own notes as aids. The point is that your written report should be your own work. Do not let other students even look at your completed assignment solutions, since this can lead to copying. These rules are meant to ensure that all students understand their solutions to the problems well enough to write up solutions by themselves. If challenged you must be able to reproduce and explain your work.

Failure to comply with these guidelines is a serious academic offense. In the past the dean has imposed penalties ranging from receiving a zero on the homework to suspension from the university for such violations.

On the first page of each homework assignment you must explicitly list all students with whom you have discussed assignment problems (even briefly) and which problems you discussed with each student. If you have discussed the homework with no one except the professor or tutors, write ``NO OUTSIDE DISCUSSION''. You must also list all other texts that you have consulted. If you have consulted no text except the textbook and course notes, write ``NO EXTRA TEXT CONSULTED''. The signed statement ``I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE POLICY CONCERNING COLLABORATION ON ASSIGNMENTS'' must also appear on the first page. Without these, your assignment will not be marked.