An internship is an educational experience in an environment providing field application of a student's theoretical classroom learning experiences for credits. Internships are arranged under the following conditions:

1. The student wishes to undertake study involving both academic and applied experience and agrees to receive the number of credits commensurate with the scope of the project.

2. A field supervisor agrees to assist in the supervision of the student in exchange for the student's performance of specified activities, and agrees to provide a final evaluation report.

3. The Computer Science Internship Coordinator as the faculty supervisor agrees to assist in development, supervision and evaluation of the project. The faculty supervisor has the responsibility to make the final evaluation of the project regarding the granting of credit.

4. The student and field supervisor prepare and agree to a learning contract that details the responsibilities of all parties to the internship. They obtain the consent of the faculty supervisor.

5. After the learning contract is completed and approved, fill out the Computer Science Internship From and Indepenpent Study Course Form, obtain required signatures, turn in the forms, and pay the fees to sign up for the CS 495 course.

Frequently Asked Questions

For All Student Interns

Additional Information For Graduate Students

Additional Information For International Students

For Prospective Employers