Sajith Jayasinghe
For Fun
Non-research related projects undertaken by students in the lab or by me.
1. Reconstructing brass Kendrew model
Reconstructing a brass "Kendrew Model" of arabinose binding protein:
We are trying to re-build a brass "Kendrew Model" of an arabisone binding protein we aquired (from I believe Tulane) some years ago. The model was in quite a bit of disrepair. Some of the brass peices had fallen off and most of the angles had shifted because the connectors between the various brass peices had come loose. We first dismantled the entire model (documenting as much as we could) and cleaned each of the brass peices. To make the work of building the model back easier we 3-D printed the protein using sections of 3 amino acids resulting in about 100 three amino acid sections. We are now in the process of assembling the 3D-printed peices and will use the 3D-printed model as a template to assemble the brass model. At least that is the plan!
I continue to write iBooks on chemistry and biochemistry related topics.
Developing a protein visualization app for the Magic Leap one spacial computing goggles:
We are developing an app, MiRlinMol, for the Magic Leap 1 spacial comuting goggles to visualize protein structures. The idea is to use the app to enable interactive mixed reality protein visualization in the classroom.