Major topics and theorems

This is only a vague list of topics we will cover. It may be augmented as we go along.

Major topic Major results
Basic graph theory The first theorem
Characterization of trees
Characterization of bipartite graphs
Classical Ramsey theory Erdös-Szekeres Theorem (x2)
Erdös' probabilistic lower bound
Small Ramsey numbers
Extremal graph theory Turán's theorem
Erdös-Simonovits-Stone theorem
Kövari-Sós-Turán theorem
Graph Ramsey theory Tree vs Clique (Chvatál)
Disjoint triangles (Burr-Erdös-Spencer)
Bounded maximum degree (Chvatál-Rödl-Szemerédi-Trotter)
Anti-Ramsey theory Canonical Ramsey theorem (Erdös-Rado)
Lefman-Rödl theorem
Graph Anti-Ramsey (Erdös-Simonovits-Sós)
Constrained Coloring
Probabilistic methods Basic model (Erdös-Rényi)
First and second moment methods
High girth and chromatic number
Random graphs and threshold phenomena
Szemerédi regularity lemma
Lovász local lemma
Number theory Colored arithmetic progressions
Geometry Large convex sets in arbitrary point sets